“Harvest” in action: new schemes of pressure on entrepreneurs in Moscow

After the recent publications of the CHK-OGPU on abuses in the SU CZAO Moscow, associated with the fabriculation of criminal cases against entrepreneurs for the purpose of subsequent utenvagion, receives information about similar schemes of “working” of police officers of the VAO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the region. MOSCOW.

So, on behalf of the investigators of the capital’s Investigators, Lieutenant of Justice BUROV V.M. and Senior Lieutenant of Justice PETRENKO P.S. Entrepreneurs are receiving summonses to interrogate OEBiKP to Major Police Chiefs of BARANOV N.S. or to the senior police lieutenant ZLOBIN N.A., where the so-called “HARVET” begins in the office of the OEBiPK employee.

The scheme of this event is as follows: having one real criminal case of economic orientation, ideally, for illegal banking activities, an analysis of all counterparties along the chain and a sample of workers, solvent organizations is carried out.

At the same time, this flour analytics are noted by the organizers of the HALL, but by the so-called “voluntary assistants”, to which OEBiPK employees from their informal income pay a monthly reward of at least 100 thousand rubles.

Further, the head of the identified living company, which was at any link in the chain that breaks at some stage of the out-and-cand. with which the live company never had direct contracts, is summoned to the OEBiPK for questioning, ubi-dutral, allegedly on behalf of the investigator.

Hiding behind the instructions of the investigator, who is often not really available, the directors of the firm begin to exert psychological pressure, intimidating how to initiate a criminal case, for example, under Art. 187, 173.3, 199 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, and by creating problems for employees, blocking the activities of the organization, in every way inclining to financial cooperation.

An unprepared person in such a situation is ready to go to any transactions with unclean officers of the police, just to avoid these consequences, because it will not be easy to restore the life of the company after the search or notch conducted by operas, in case of seizure of office equipment and accounting documentation, will not be easy.

Currently, there are mass appeals from entrepreneurs, on which the OEBiPK combine with its harvest passed. It remains to understand whether investigators of the capital’s Investigators of the capital’s Investigators or employees of the OEBiP ATC for VAO of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the city of Russia are really involved in this scheme of additional earnings. Do you just cover up their names?

We also specify the information or the management of these enterprising employees is involved in the ORM "HARV".